Saturday 12 October 2013

Magazine Analysis: Cosmopolitan Magazine..

  Magazine Analysis: Cosmopolitan Magazine..

Masthead: The colour of the mast head is bright pink, relating to the female target audience. The masthead is also all in capital letters making it bold and eye catching to customers, even though the masthead is simple and big, it is still easily recognisable and attention grabbing mainly because of the colour making it look so bold and eye catching. The masthead is also placed behind the main images head showing that it is a well known, popular magazine as you can still tell what magazine it is and what its called even though a few of the letters are blocked out.

Target Audience: The target audience for this magazine would be females from about the age of 18-30, the magazine would have this sort of age range because it talks about sex and mentions it a lot and has articles inside about it, its also targeted at an older audience, because it talks about careers and powerful women, making it more interesting to people 18 and over as that's the age you start to get proper careers and look up to powerful women. Cosmopolitan is also targeted at women, as it is uses pink and purple colours making it more feminine and it is also all about the new look fashion which is more interesting to women and people of an older age who can afford the latest fashion, not really younger students of about 16 or younger.

Price/Date: The price of this magazine is about £3.50, its one of the more affordable fashion magazines, however is still a high end fashion magazine as it is targeted at an older target audience, applying to an audience with a higher socio-economic status, not mainly people in the D and E category as this amount of money might still seem expensive for a magazine. This magazine also includes the season on it, 'Summer' is the magazine covers main cover line and is the first bit of writing you look at one the magazine. Summer is appealing to the audience as it would relate to the time of year, encouraging the audience to buy it as it would have all the new fashion etc at that time of the year and most people want to know the latest fashion and how they have changed from the previous season making it stand out and eye catching making people want to buy it to see whats inside.

Main image: The main image on this issue of Cosmopolitan is of Alesha Dixon, a famous singer. This image is quite sexualised still as she is looking directly into the audiences eyes and is pulling a seductive pose, showing the whole of her body off, however this image is more classy and she is wearing covered up and chic, fashionable clothes, making it less sexualised to most main images. The main image is also centred right in the middle of the cover, it is the only image used on the cover, making it more eye catching and bold to the people buying it, the fact that not many cover lines are placed over the image shows off her face and pose more making it attention grabbing to the people that see it.

Cover Lines: There are a lot of cover lines used on this cover of Cosmopolitan, this makes the cover look busy, fun and interesting, making it more eye catching and attention grabbing for the audience that see it as they will be attracted at the main cover line first and then read all the smaller interesting cover lines. The cover lines also help show the kind of audience the magazine is for, because they include lines such as 'New Orgasm', 'Fantasy Sex' and 'Careers' this all helps to show that this magazine is for an older audience as the type of things is talks about in the magazine would not be suited for a younger audience. The fact that the cover lines also mention make up, nail art and fashion all show that it is a magazine mainly targeted at a female audience. The cover line underneath the main line says 'See it, want it, wear it' this is catchy and attention grabbing because of the short and snappy words before the repetition of 'It', cover lines like that are attention grabbing and make you want to read them. The number 497 is also attention grabbing at a first look of the magazine and draws attention to itself as it looks like a sticker that has been stuck on, the way its placed and the bold use of numbers make you look at that part of the magazine most and then realise that's how many fashions buys are inside the magazine which is appealing and would be worth the money to most people, encouraging them to buy the Cosmopolitan issue.

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